Introduction: Today we did an experiment on Distillation, Evaporation, and Condensation, and it was also a really good day...
Aim: To separate a solute from a solvent in a solution using distillation.
Equipment: Solution Of Coke, Conical Flask, Heat Proof Mat, Delivery tube, Bunsen burner, Tripod, Gauze Mat, Bosshead & Clamp, Boiling tube, Retort stand.
1. A mixture of coke and water was heated in a conical flask…
2. The water evaporates leaving the coke behind…
3. The water vapor flows through the delivery tube…
4. Heat the solution until most of the solvent has been evaporated. Turn off your element…
1. A mixture of coke and water was heated in a conical flask…
2. The water evaporates leaving the coke behind…
3. The water vapor flows through the delivery tube…
4. Heat the solution until most of the solvent has been evaporated. Turn off your element…
Results: We saw that the coke started to bubble because of the heat of the element, then at the end of the experiment there was syrup at the bottom.
Discussion: What or how we did for this experiment... We used a Conical Flask to hold our Solution Of Coke, then we boiled it with an element we then evaporated the Coke, and we got vapor out of it, then we used a delivery tube to get the vapor to travel into a boiling tube because the delivery tube was connected to a conical flask and a boiling tube, we then used Condensation, we got ice and put it in a beaker and put it just below the boiling tube, to cool it down, the coke then turned into a syrup-like substance, it as the leftover sugar from the coke, The boiling tube was then filled with water from the vapor...
Conclusion: Did it work? In conclusion, it did work and we ended up with a dark like syrup on the bottom of the Conical Flask...