
Tuesday, 1 December 2020

Art - Slinkachu Inspiration

 For a few weeks we have been working on some slinkachu images or to take photos as if in his position, we were inspired to make a story with only a couple of photos or images, we came up with a focal point as well as the backstories within the photos...

So in like the first couple of weeks we came up with the backstory first, made a few sketches to plan out what we were going to do or make but the style or theme was Slinkachu

during the middle of the weeks of planning we got to taking photos of what we planned for one of my plans was to picture a few soldiers on a journey...

So Photos Coming Soon...

Focal point as I have tried to make obvious that where most eyes would look at would be that the middle where the people are standing I guess...  

 Well I have Learnt that some perspectives can change how someone can see, or to put it in better words if you cant change what you want it to look like try to change your angle or the way you see...

Sunday, 1 November 2020

Leadership Styles

 This week in class we have been working on different leadership styles, I have made a DLO about the leadership styles too.

Friday, 11 September 2020

Hannah Höch - Art

 For the past week or s in art I have been working on a couple of scrap books inspired by Hannah Höch, the learning we did was about Hannah Höch and her artwork, I have made 4-3 but some are or have a little twist of artwork or things I like, we had to make a photomontage of them all connected together. 

We were meant to at least make 8-9 but I cut mine down to 3-4...

I made these because I like the look of how it is aesthetic and kind of my favourite colours. If so can I have feedback on my work, on if its a little too or doesn't have much Hannah Höch's artwork style in it or something. 


Monday, 3 August 2020

Middle Ages - Hurumanu 3

Medieval Punishment
Many tortures and cruel punishments were used in medieval times. These included…

These included:

  • Beheading, believe it or not, but in the middle ages, it would have been the most honorable and quickest execution…

  • Burning.

  • Hung, strung, and quartered.

  • Hanging.

  • Stretching.

  • Boiling to death.

  • The wheel.

But one gruesome punishment that is cruel enough to get the truth out of someone or that is maybe the most painful would maybe perhaps the most brutal of all execution methods is hung, strung and quartered. This was traditionally given to anyone found guilty of high treason. The person who did what they did would be hung and just seconds before death released then disemboweled and their organs were then thrown into a fire - all while still alive.

This punishment would really only come to a person if they have done something very bad, maybe even worse than theft, maybe a crime that could bring you to punishment could be Homicide - (Murder or manslaughter)...

What life in the middle ages was like?

Interestingly, life in the middle ages was mostly divided the rich and poor were separated in how they lived, while the rich-(King, Clergy/Nobleman) lived in a castle they got to have showers every day and having more than enough food, then the poor-(Farmers/Peasants) having barely enough money for food, or couldn’t shower every day.

This was important because it shows how life would suck so much to be poor and how the poor lived, or maybe how it was hard to be a peasant in the middle ages...

Thursday, 30 July 2020

Diffusion - Hurumanu 3

What is our focus this week? Our focus is to learn more about matter or how to properly define Diffusion...

Aim: Investigate if particles diffuse faster in hot or cold water.

Hypothesis: I think... I think that the hot water will diffuse or make the Potassium Permanganate will spread faster in the hot water...
Because the hot water would make the particles move faster than the cold water.

Method: Fill up 2 Petri dishes with water, one hot one cold then drop potassium permanganate in both of the Petri dishes, then wait for your result-( Do Not Stir).

Particle Theory:
1. Particles make up everything
2. Particles are always moving
3. Particles are attached to each other
4. Hotter= faster
5. Colder= slower
6. Always space between particles


Results: The dish with the hot water spread more because of how fast the particles where moving...

Discussion: I think it happened because when particles are in a hot environment it tends to move faster than when it is in a colder environment...

Thursday, 25 June 2020

Hurumanu - Evaporation, Condensation, Distillation...

Introduction: Today we did an experiment on Distillation, Evaporation, and Condensation, and it was also a really good day...
Aim: To separate a solute from a solvent in a solution using distillation.
Equipment: Solution Of Coke, Conical Flask, Heat Proof Mat, Delivery tube, Bunsen burner, Tripod, Gauze Mat, Bosshead & Clamp, Boiling tube, Retort stand.
1. A mixture of coke and water was heated in a conical flask…
2. The water evaporates leaving the coke behind…
3. The water vapor flows through the delivery tube…
4. Heat the solution until most of the solvent has been evaporated. Turn off your element…
Results: We saw that the coke started to bubble because of the heat of the element, then at the end of the experiment there was syrup at the bottom.
Discussion: What or how we did for this experiment... We used a Conical Flask to hold our Solution Of Coke, then we boiled it with an element we then evaporated the Coke, and we got vapor out of it, then we used a delivery tube to get the vapor to travel into a boiling tube because the delivery tube was connected to a conical flask and a boiling tube, we then used Condensation, we got ice and put it in a beaker and put it just below the boiling tube, to cool it down, the coke then turned into a syrup-like substance, it as the leftover sugar from the coke, The boiling tube was then filled with water from the vapor...
Conclusion: Did it work? In conclusion, it did work and we ended up with a dark like syrup on the bottom of the Conical Flask... Screenshot 2020-06-25 at 11.41.57 AM.pngScreenshot 2020-06-25 at 11.31.59 AM.pngScreenshot 2020-06-25 at 11.41.46 AM.png

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Hurumanu - Evaporation Experiment - 2020

Introduction: We have been learning about
Evaporation is... It is when a liquid is turned into a gas.

Aim: The aim is to Evaporate Copper Sulfate- (blue liquid)...
To separate the mixture...

Solute? Solvent? Solution? Mixture...

Hypothesis: I think what will happen is the (Blue Liquid) in the Copper Sulfate will somewhat disappear a little, there will probably...

Equipment: Copper Sulfate Solution, 250ml beaker, Heat Proof Mat, Evaporating basin, Element.

1. Set up Element...
2. Add 100ml of hot water to the beaker and place it on the element...
3. Add Copper Sulfate to the evaporating basin until it is quarter full...
4. Carefully place the evaporating basin on top of the beaker...
5. Turn on the Element to 2, maybe in a while bumping the element up to 6...
6. Heat the Solution until most of the Solvent ha been evaporated and crystals of solute forming...
7. Turn off the element- be careful of the beaker, it will be hot for a while...

Observation: As time goes by we see that inside the beaker there where bubbles forming, and maybe a few drops of water & you can slightly hear the small bubbles popping or the sound of boiling happening...
Conclusion: In conclusion, our experiment did not work, but we think we have an idea for the next time around...
Evaluation: It was fun but, it didn't go as planned but now we see that we may need to adjust some things next time around...

Thursday, 11 June 2020

Hurumanu - Dilution Experiment...

For science this week I or my group did an experiment on Dilution -(Meaning: Making a liquid less concentrated or weaker)
We did this dilution experiment because or to explain or learn how dilution works, we were doing something or using a method called Serial Dilution...
It means we repeated this process for a while...

Aim: To make a dilution series to investigate concentration...

Equipment: A Potassium Permanganate crystal, Six large text tubes, Tweezers, A plastic transfer pipette, A test tube rack, 10ml measuring cylinder, Spatula...


1. Place the six test tubes in the test tube rack, Label the rack with numbers 1-6
2. Using the measuring cylinder, fill test tubes 1 with 10ml of water, fill the other test tubes with 5ml of water.
3. Using your tweezers, add a single crystal of potassium permanganate to test tube 1.
4. Gently shake the test tube until the crystal has dissolved.
5. Using the transfer pipette, carefully remove 5ml from test tube 1 and pour it into test tube 2.
6. Rinse the transfer pipette thoroughly to ensure that no purple solution remains.
7. Gently shake test tube 2 and repeat the transfer process, transferring exactly 5ml of the solution to test tube 2 to test tube 3.
8. Rinse the pipette again and repeat the transfer process for test tube 4, 5, & 6

Friday, 29 May 2020

Health Hurumanu 8 - Online relationships vs Real life relationships...

In Health Hurumanu we discussed this week about a statement: -
Online Relationships vs In Real Life Relationships and to be more clear, we are talking about them because we don't know if they are important or not...

We are making a statement or debating about what is more important, Online Relationships, or are Real-Life Relationships more important...

Some people might think...
They might think that Online is way more important because of how people can react on social media, about how it could change the moods on others, It also could be important for people could get hurt emotionally or mentally...

Also another view on this topic... there also might be some words you could get confusing if someone just says "ok" you wouldn't know their emotions, also there are strangers - (People You don't know) everywhere -(Catfishing)...

People might think that Real Life might be important, it could be easier or to communicate, face to face it would be easier to read their body language, you could express more, you would would be able to communicate more expressively I guess...  

Or one other way of seeing it or on the other hand... 
maybe talking face to face could be scary, or you could be shy something bad could happen...

In Conclusion, I think... That they both are really important because having friends and having a face to face talks with family is very special, while having an online friendship, could also be good...

But I'd have to say Real-life relationships are a lot more important, for a lot of reasons but the main reason I chose real-life is that you could get to hang out with others, or you would be social sometimes, its kind of interesting having others around, being able to read or tell their body language...

Thursday, 28 May 2020

Year 9 Hurumanu Chaos - Rats/Kiore

Mouse Plague...
Saying-"Can cause so much Chaos..."

1. Where this happens?

2. How did this happen?
The rain helped grow crops to grow on the farm, therefore a lot of Mice got hungry, then they would eat from the farm...

3. How much offspring-(Babies) can 2 mice/rats parents make?
2000 could be made...

4. How much wheat did the mice eat?
500,000 tons...

5. How did they get rid of the mice and how many dead mice where there?
they used poison to take the mice down, then they burned them to not have dead mice everywhere - 100Million mice died...

Rat Temple...
Saying-"Sometimes rats can be not so chaotic..."

1. Where is this happening?
Northern India...

2. Why is this happening?
The people of Northern India, worship the rats as an old god...

3. What special treatment do the rats get?
Northern India, - Rats temple...
The rats are fed, not killed, prayed to, & worshiped...

The rats are relatives, to the people in Northern India, the belief a lot in reincarnation...
if you stood on one, it would anger the gods... 

Filtration Experiment - Hurumanu 3...

  • What are we doing? Today in Hurumanu We are...
In Hurumanu 3 this week we will be doing a Filtration Experiment...
Aim: To Separate a solution from a precipitate (precipitate is the name for a solid that forms in a liquid during a chemical reaction)...
Sodium carbonate, Copper sulfate, Conical flask, Stirring Rod, 200mL Beaker, Funnel & Filter paper...
Hypothesis: what do you think will happen...
1. Pour approximately 50mL of copper sulfate solution into a beaker.
2. Add the same volume of sodium carbonate solution. A reaction will happen, you should see a cloudy blue precipitate form. Called copper carbonate. 
3. Watch demo then fold filter paper to fit inside the funnel
4. Place the funnel with the filter paper inside of it, into the mouth of a conical flask. 
5. Stir the mixture in the beaker, then carefully pour it into the funnel. 
6. Observe what happened.

Observations and Discussion: what you saw happen and why do you think it happened... - What I think happened was that when the -
Sodium Carbonate-(Na2CO3) & the Copper Sulfate-(CuSO4) mixed together & I thought it wouldn't be filtered or couldn't be filtered, but I was wrong, we used a funnel with a conical flask, and we had a special filter paper to stop the Copper Sulfate-(CuSO4) from mixing the into the Sodium Carbonate-(Na2CO3) or it seperated some would say, and it was quiet satisfieying too...
Here are some of the results...

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

WordArt - Lockdown Emotions...

Today we wrote down a few emotions that we would have felt during the quarantine...
I felt... Bored in the lockdown/quarantine because there wasn't much activity's to do in the house...

I felt... Excited when I heard school would be reopening, because I would have something to do rather than staying home not doing much, and I think I would need to increase my fitness & exercise as well...

Today I feel... quite Tired because sometimes a can't seem to focus sometimes...

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Hurumanu - Workshop 3: How does "Lighting & Colour" enhance the story...

Atmosphere - How you feel in a situation/mood...

Shot 1-14.35...
Scene - Auggies first day at school - When Auggie walks into class everyone stares at him, When he asks to sit down Amos says the seat is saved...

Angle/Shot - Long shot/Eye level of class, close-ups of Auggie to see his emotional reaction...

Lighting In Colour -
Palette - Colours used in scene e.g nature palette has colours from nature - green, brown...
Warm/Cold - Warm makes you feel safe or comfortable - Cold makes you feel safe/Stillie

Bright - Vibrant, jumps out...
Dull - Fated, muted, blends in...
Natural - Sun/Moon-light...
Artificial - Man-made light e.g lightbulbs...

Lighting & Colour - Warm - makes the classroom feel safe & welcoming...
- Bright colours - gives the room energy & life...
- Natural light coming through the windows...

Effect On The Viewer - happy, chilled, excited, educational, inspiring...
Director -  wants to create a happy and safe atmosphere in Mr Brown's classroom. Even though it feels this way, Julien & Amos's behaviour is unkind...

In the scene of August's first day at school, lighting & colour are used to create a safe and welcoming classroom environment. For instance, bright-warm colours are used on the walls and natural light comes through the windows to make the space look lively. This makes the audience feel excited, inspired, and that the space is educational & supportive for learning. This was done to show Mr Brown had created a classroom space that would be welcoming to new students like Auggie. Coinciding with this is the use of body language. The children in the room are sitting up smiling and paying lots of attention; they are learning ready...
This reminds the viewer of the theme of Kindness because the lighting and colour make the room welcoming for all the students...

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Wonder film - The impact of Angles, Movement & Shot...

A - Fight... - Jack fighting Julien because Julien called August a freak.

- Teacher pulling Jack off - Mr. Brown.

- Dutch tilt used - Shows something is not right - Makes one person look smaller than the other-Julien looks week & vulnerable...

- Low angle.

- The viewer feels - Shocked, didn't expect his reaction...
Surprised, Concerned, Uneasy...

- Director - Surprised, sad, worried for Jack...
Other techniques - Music - Creates atmosphere, minor -
Slow-motion - makes more intense...

In the film Wonder, low angle shots were used effectively...
This is demonstrated in the scene where Jack attacks Julien because he called Auggie a freak.
In this scene, a low angle dutch tilt shot is used to make Jack look stronger and Julien weak and vulnerable...

This makes the audience feel shocked, surprised, and concerned because we didn't expect a violent reaction from Jack, who has not been aggressive before this point. The purpose of this is to show the theme of kindness as Jack finally stands up for Auggie...
Combined with this is the use of quiet minor music & slow-motion to create an atmosphere and to make the event feel more intense...

This can be contrasted to the nature reserve fight scene where Auggie now shows kindness by standing up for Jack...

B - Fight scene - Nature Reserve - Auggie makes friends, High Five - No plague...
Jack, Amos & others. They beat up & ran away from 7th graders.

- Wide-angle, long shot - makes us feel like we are a bystander watching an important moment, the emotions are the characters, not ours...

- Audience - Joyful, proud, cheerful, ecstatic, relieved -
Auggie is finally included, has friends...
- Director - Shows Auggie is finally fitting in, Shows theme importance of friendship or "Kindness"

- Other techniques - Lighting - use if shadow-silhouette outlining the boys feels like they are all in it together...

C - 

Wonder - Film Studies - Workshop...

Kindness - When people are respectful, caring, helpful & including others...
Example 1 - Fight scene at the nature reserve...
  • Amos and the other boys rescue Auggie and Jack from the bullies, at the end they high five Auggie - Shows kindness up onto this point the hadn't touched him or treated him with respect...
  • The theme of kindness is important because through it Auggie makes friends, is more confident & happier...

     - Cafeteria scene - where Summer sits with Auggie...
  • Shows the theme of kindness because Summer leaves the friends she has been sitting with who were being bystanders & went to sit with Auggie because he was alone...
  • Summer helps Auggie build trust in friendship, if she hadn't shown kindness by sitting with him, he wouldn't have learned to make new friends and move on...
Importance of family and friendship - Through these relationships, our characters build trust, resilience, and self-confidence...

Example 1 - Scene where Auggie cuts off his padawan braid...
  • Link to the importance of family because of shows that when Auggie is feeling sad/alone/depressed that he has a support network to build his resilience. 
  • Home is Auggies' safe & supportive place. He needs this relationship with his parents to help him build confidence to make new friends.
Example 2 -When Jack punches Jullien for calling Auggie a freak...
  • Shows the importance of friendship because Jack wasn't willing to let Jullien bully Auggie anymore. Auggie is a real friend to jack, where Jullien is the type of friend that puts you down if you don't agree with him...
  •  It is important because it shows how real friends treat each other, they build trust and can forgive each other...
 Being right vs Being popular... 
Doing the right thing, even if no one is watching or when no one else is doing it...

Example 1 - Jullien bullies Auggie...
  •  Jullien chooses to do things to be popular rather than doing the right thing, He calls Auggie names, Hides notes in his locker & tells Auggie he should kill himself. Jullien is the most popular boy in his class so when he chooses to be mean that becomes the thing to do...
  •  Jullien shows the importance of being right over being popular because through his actions he is removed from the school & loses his friends. Juxtaposed to this will. He decided he would rather be kind to Auggie and as a result keeps all his friends & isn't kicked out...

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

P.E Hurumanu - How To Properly Throw A Shot Put...

Hi everyone, Today I learned how to properly throw a Shot Put in Hurumanu P.E...
Step 1:
Told hold a shot put, you would need to hold the ball with your three fingers, index, thumb, and your middle finger...

Step 2:

keep your arm up when you throw...

Step 3:

Lock your wrist...

Hurumanu PE - Fosbury Flop/Long jump

Hi everyone, today for PE - Hurumanu we did some high jump, and there was one special way on how we did our jump and the launching technique, the special technique was the Fosbury Flop...

Today we learned how to do the Fosbury Flop...

There are a couple of steps to this when jumping over the bar...
Fosbury Flop/High jump...

Step 1:
When taking off it should be with one foot...

Step 2:
As your taking off and just before you take off you spin just a little to the opposite side to the bar so that when you are in the air you would have your back to the bar...

Step 3:
As your in the air, you'll need to or try to land on the mat with your legs and arms facing upwards ...

And we also did some long jump, for long jump, there are also a few steps...
Long Jump...

Step 1:

Run up is 21 steps...

Step 2:
Take off will be from the second marker...

Step 3:
The land will be measured from the back-foot...

Step 4:
Land with both feet together...

Step 5:
If you are over the second marker when you jump, it is a fowl jump...

Analyse the ideas and theme of a film - Inside & Out 2020...

Theme Guide
What am I learning-
I am learning to explain and analyze the theme of a film...
How does this work show my learning -
This work shows my learning because I have recounted a scene that has happened in the film showing aspects of one of these themes and I have also added quotes...

What am I wondering as a result of this learning-

If there are any more themes used in the film...

Friday, 28 February 2020

Sustainability - Textiles...

Hi everybody, today or for the past week we have been making something to identify what Sustainability means and some of the problems that sustainability can help with...

Sustainability can help a lot of things including polution, waste, and more...
That is what we where writing about...

Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Science Hurumanu - Food testing - Term 1 Week 5 2020...

Aim: What nutrient foods are in different food...

What I think is in each food - (Bread, Milk, Apple, Potato, Egg, Glucose)
For the hypothesis, I would think that bread is a complex sugar, a Sugar/Lollies simple sugar, or an Egg would be protein, and Apple would be a complex sugar, etc...
Carbohydrate - Sugar - To make energy...
Protein - For growth - To repair muscles...
Lipids - Fat & Oils - Insulate/Protect organs, energy...

Equipment: Test tube - Iodine solution - Food sample...

Complex - Long slow energy...

Simple - Quick short energy...

Method: 1, 2, & 3...
1. Iodine, we used two drops of iodine on each food...

The foods, Apple - Banana - Potato...
If food turned black when fused with iodine, it means that they are complex sugar...
Results - They all seemed to turn black which means they are complex sugars...

2. We also put two drops of iodine in another bunch of food samples, 
glucose - milk - egg...
Results - Our test 2 food samples turned a yellowish brownish color therefor there are no complex sugars inside of these foods...

Now we put 5 drops of benedict solution into all of the foods we have tested on - we also heated this benedict solution to see a different result, and we learned that some of the food samples can change color when heated, like orange-red - blue - purple...

Results - It turns out that all are simple except the potato, it was like a complex but not quite, and also the apple & glucose was a complex sugar...

3. Ok now with our third tests we got all the food samples and put 10 drops in each of the samples, five in each bottle with two different bottles of chemicals, Sodium Hydroxide-(NaOH) and also Copper(II) Sulfate (CuSO4)...

Results - Most of all the foods turned blue & purple, the apple - banana - egg - glucose/sugar - milk - potato...

Conclusion - My hypothesis was somewhat right and wrong for a few reasons, mostly because I knew that bread was actually was a complex sugar and that the sugar/glucose was a fast-flowing sugar which means it was a simple sugar which is kinda estimated because some people already know that sugar/lollies are simple sugars...

We found out that the bread isn't a fast-flowing sugar, it is a complex, mostly because it has starch inside of the bread...

We also found out stuff about if you put different types of chemicals inside of the food samples - they could change color and identify if the food sample is a Complex sugar, Simple sugar or a Protein...

Friday, 21 February 2020

Hurumanu - Notes/Wonder - Inside Out 2020...

The past weeks we have been watching a movie called Wonder, we have been watching this movie to study a little about what types of camera angles there are, and how they are being used...

Dad/note - "It's like leading a lamb to the slaughter"

Summer/note - "When being given a chance between being right and being kind, choose kind"

Halloween Scene: 42.56...

Body languages - change, now has head held high, walking with confident strides, Interacting with others...

Music - Happy upbeat - Monster Mash, Fast tempo, lots of energy,

When he hears Jack Will saying "if I looked like him I think I'd kill myself" Music tempo gets slow, quiet dynamics to make us focus, use of diegetic sound kits... 

Symbols - Halloween mask-Physical, Barriers between others & Auggie, 
-Star Wars characters Darth Sideous used by Julian to make fun of Auggie...

Jack Will & Julian fight scene: 1.06 - 1.08
- Starts at eye level - Mid/Medium shot, Makes us apart of the convo...

Significant - We see Auggie lose faith in the idea of friendship - If Jack Will can be that mean behind his back, how can he trust others...

Links to the Theme - Popularity & acceptance...
We see this through Jack Will as he says what he knows Julian wants to hear so he doesn't become the target get picked on...

- Sounds are diegetic...
- Low angle hot as boys hit the ground, makes the fight seem dangerous, moves up for the close up of the struggle...

- Dutch tilt & low angle makes Jack Will look more aggressive...
- Music Minor-(Sad), quiet dynamic-creates focus for intense, shot tempo...

- Shot in slow-mo so we see the event more clearly...

The Nature Reserve Fight Scene: 1.29 - 1.32
During the fight, shot used to make Auggie and other friends look bigger-more powerful & the bullies weak & vulnerable...
- music has fast tempo to build intensity...

- Significant - Auggie has grown as a character, he is now willing to stand up for himself...
- Friendship - Auggie now finally feels accepted when the other boys-doesn't have to hide behind a mask anymore


Hurumanu - Hauora Learning Reflection...

Aim: The aim of this post is for our/my wellbeing and how it works, and what can happen if one part like Taha Tinana/Physical Wellbeing is not very strong...

A conclusion on what the"Whare tapa wha" is and how it illustrates Hauora?

Whare Tapa Wha is about your four walls of Hauora, and how or if one wall comes down, by coming down I mean that if your feeling sad or disturbed, nervous, it could mean that your, 
Taha Wairua/Spiritual Wellbeing or Taha Hinengaro/Emotional & Mental, Is not really healthy, 

This is useful to understand because if your Hauora is down or your sad you can learn off of this and that you know what is correct to have a complete Hauora-Wellbeing...

How did you participate in this lesson??

I participated - okay -  because I focussed but wasn't really going fast on my work I took my time but didn't really finish in the time I was given... 
Next time I will contribute to my work, take some time but not to much time, but enough time to get my work finished in the time I was given...

What is the current state of your Hauora?? 

My Hauora is well and I know this because most of my wellbeings is complete...

Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Camera Angles - Inside out 2020

Hi everyone, this blog post was meant for last week but unfortunately I didn't post it so I'm posting it now, this post is about all the different types of angles in filming, I and my partner/work buddy took some photos of the different type of angles...

Close up - This angle is used often in films to set a serious mood 
for a scene but often used in a lot of films...

Waist shot - This angle is often used in films for dialogues...

The Long-Wide shot - This shot is not so common but can be used a lot to 
film bigger objects like buildings...

Low Angle Shot - This shot can be used for capturing somethings 
like people, buildings or something to make it look bigger...

The High Angle - This shot is for a higher perspective than a person or object...

Monday, 17 February 2020

English - Language Of Film Dictionary…

Our activity for today was to create a pick-a-path task, to get to the end we needed to know the correct definition for each word.

Body language: Used for the character’s mood, posture to identify how the character is played…

Costumes: Also used to make up the character, and how they played…

Hairstyles: Also like the costumes, it makes up the character’s personality…

Makeup: Used to make their character more alike themselves, or to look more like their character…

Color: Used to set the mood of the play or scene, to identify the mood, red is usually the mood of anger while blue is either the mood of sadness...

Lighting: Also to set the mood and to glance at something that is important to make it stand out...

Props: Used to make up the scene/Character positions or to make the scene realistic…

Settings: Used to make up the stories so they have a scene to play or to Describe the surroundings...

Dialogue: To make up a character’s personality or to keep the story more exciting…

Sound effects: Used to set a mood or to make a scene more powerful/emotional…

Music: Also used to set a mood and to make a scene more outgoing...
Silence: Used to make a scene more serious or endearing to an actor's character…

Symbols: Often a sign or object to inflect a new idea…
Special FX: To make a scene or something more realistic…

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

P.E Hurumanu - Discus Techniques...

Hello everybody, Today for P.E we learned to or how to throw a discus, with a proper form...
Well, first you will need a discus, and to hold it you will need to hold the discus upside down and on the face of your palm...
If you want to flip it around so that your discus is on the bottom of your hand, you will need to grip it with the tips of your fingers and your thumb so that once you turn it over you can hold it without it falling...

Step 1:
To start off throwing you would need to roll it off from the tip of your Index finger so that when you throw it will not wobble or it will glide spinning like a frisbee...

Step 2:
To actually launch off and where to place your feet, you'll probably need a line to start off, or from the field, you'll need a line... 

Wednesday, 5 February 2020

P.E Hurumanu - Athletic scores...

Goal: My goal for Term 1 Athletic is for me to...

Shot Put
8m 1kg
24m - 750g
19m - 1kg
High Jump
1.60m Fosbury Flop...
Long Jump
100m Sprints


Year 9...
Hurumanu 1 - Sustainability - Maths/Social Science

Hurumanu 2 - Inside and Out - English/Science

Hurumanu 3 - Chemicals and Chaos - Science/Social Studies

Hurumanu 4 - Money Money Money - Maths/English

Hurumanu 5 - Making Waves - Maths/Science

Hurumanu 6 - Power to the People - English/Social Studies

Hurumanu 7 - Sport - PE

Hurumanu 8 - Akomanga Hauora - Health

Year 9...
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